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Is a Type of German Art Song for Voice With Piano Accompaniment

Asked by: Camilo Ndebeka
asked in category: General Concluding Updated: 30th January, 2020

What is the German term for art song?

Music Term: Art song

An art vocal is usually sung by a solo phonation with accessory. In German language it is chosen lieder, in French, chanson. A serious song limerick, generally for vocalisation and pianoforte.

r; German ˈli d?r/. a typically 19th-century German art song characterized by the setting of a poetic text in either strophic or through-composed mode and the treatment of the piano and vox in equal creative partnership: Schubert lieder.

Beside above, what is an art song or lied quizlet? likewise called lied, was a vocal for solo voice and pianoforte accompaniment. had greatest success in the Art Vocal. He captured both the spirt and the detail of the text, creating a sensitive mood painting in which the vocalism, and especially the accompanying piano, expresses every nuance of the poem.

Herein, what is the German language give-and-take for song quizlet?

The plural of lied, the German word for "song." It refers to art songs in German mainly from the nineteenth century. The virtually notable composer of the word was Franz Schubert.

What is the art song of the romantic era?

An art vocal (lied, German) is a vocal music composition written for one vox with piano accompaniment, and usually in the classical fine art music tradition, i.e., is non popular or folk music. Most art vocal incorporate a setting of a poem or other text.

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