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Bone the Saga Continues Read Online

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 · 313 ratings  · 17 reviews
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Não tão divertido quanto o primeiro, mas mesmo assim ótimo. A arte é linda e a história muito boa também. Os Bones são demais.
Samir Machado
O cruzamento de Carl Barks com Tolkien que eu não sabia que precisava.
Janne Paananen
Luupäät jatkavat hullunkurista fantasiaseikkailuaan. Toinen trilogia tuo tullessaan myös hieman synkempiä sävyjä. Etenkin Venlasta ja muorista löytyy piirteitä, joita ei juuri ensimmäisessä osassa näkynyt.

Toinen trilogia tuo mukanaan uuden hahmon, kalliovuoria hallitsevan Kivileuan. Tämä jättikissa on hivenen mielikuvitukseton valinta muutoin oivallisessa hahmogalleriassa.

Luupäät tarjoaa kuitenkin edelleen toimivaa koko perheen sarjakuvafantsua. Laatu ei päässyt enää yllättämään, kuten ensimmäis

Luupäät jatkavat hullunkurista fantasiaseikkailuaan. Toinen trilogia tuo tullessaan myös hieman synkempiä sävyjä. Etenkin Venlasta ja muorista löytyy piirteitä, joita ei juuri ensimmäisessä osassa näkynyt.

Toinen trilogia tuo mukanaan uuden hahmon, kalliovuoria hallitsevan Kivileuan. Tämä jättikissa on hivenen mielikuvitukseton valinta muutoin oivallisessa hahmogalleriassa.

Luupäät tarjoaa kuitenkin edelleen toimivaa koko perheen sarjakuvafantsua. Laatu ei päässyt enää yllättämään, kuten ensimmäisen trilogian kohdalla, joten tämä ei tuntunut aivan yhtä erinomaiselta.

Jeferson Nichel
É muito divertido ler Bone, uma aventura com bastante humor e coração! Tiro uma estrela porque o Phoney e a espinho são muito chatos nesse volume... =/
Caroline Sol (IG - Drinks & Livros)
A saga dos Bone fica cada vez melhor e mais épica!!
" ...a sua alma é aquele pedaço do sonhar que faz você ser você..."

Triste saber que só tenho mais um volume para ler!
Bone é magistral! Uma fantasia incrível!

" ...a sua alma é aquele pedaço do sonhar que faz você ser você..."

Triste saber que só tenho mais um volume para ler!
Bone é magistral! Uma fantasia incrível!

Markku Kesti
OMG. Tämä on aivan yhtä hienoa kun muistelinkin. Ehkä jopa parempaa. Neljä ja puoli tähteä ja se puolikas lähtee vain, jotta saisi jotain eroa ensimmäisen ja toisen trilogian väiin.
Brandon Skanes
May 06, 2020 rated it really liked it
This was my first time reading this as an adult. Jeff Smith creates a world that I revisited from my childhood, filled with charming characters who are willing to protect their loved ones no matter what. This collection has books 4-6, so I'm hoping to get my hands on the other two collections at some point. Despite this being essentially a children's novel, Jeff Smith creates an adventure for all ages. I really enjoyed it, and I would recommend the "Bone" saga to anyone looking for a fun read fi This was my first time reading this as an adult. Jeff Smith creates a world that I revisited from my childhood, filled with charming characters who are willing to protect their loved ones no matter what. This collection has books 4-6, so I'm hoping to get my hands on the other two collections at some point. Despite this being essentially a children's novel, Jeff Smith creates an adventure for all ages. I really enjoyed it, and I would recommend the "Bone" saga to anyone looking for a fun read filled with wit, sarcasm, and adventure. ...more
Sep 13, 2021 rated it really liked it
Pretty self-explanatory I suppose, the saga indeed continues. On a similar level as the previous third of the story, though weaker in execution.

This is the part of the story where things get spooky and serious, and grandmas start to reveal all of this plot through boring exposition, but if you can put that to the side, you're with what's essentially a consumable comic book for all audiences with a charmness that's usually missed in a large part of the medium.

It tries alright...

Pretty self-explanatory I suppose, the saga indeed continues. On a similar level as the previous third of the story, though weaker in execution.

This is the part of the story where things get spooky and serious, and grandmas start to reveal all of this plot through boring exposition, but if you can put that to the side, you're with what's essentially a consumable comic book for all audiences with a charmness that's usually missed in a large part of the medium.

It tries alright...

Maurício Dantas
Enquanto o primeiro volume tem um tom de fantasia mais inocente, nesse o tom vai para uma grande fábula de guerra, com revelações q acrescentam bastante drama. A vontade, antes q saia o terceiro (e último) volume, é de voltar logo e reler o primeiro, pra ver o quanto subestima-se a história ali.
Alanna Waldner
This series is a lot of fun to read. And I've pretty much gotten used to Thorn's character design inconsistencies, so that wasn't an issue. This series is a lot of fun to read. And I've pretty much gotten used to Thorn's character design inconsistencies, so that wasn't an issue. ...more
Me diverti muito com esse volume.
Esses personagens são incríveis, mal posso esperar pelo volume final!
Luupäiden keskimmäinen kolmasosa ei minusta kärsi trilogioiden kakkososien tyypillisestä "tämä on vain näiden välissä"-ongelmasta. Suuri tarina kerää kierroksia ja alun kuvaannollisesti kirkkaat taivaat synkentyvät huomattavasti ajan kuluessa. Samoin osa mysteereistä selviää enemmän tai vähemmän, tai sitten ne kieroutuvat entisestään.

Ääneenluettavana tämä on ollut tosi kivaa, kuusivuotias kohdeyleisö on ollut todella innoissaan ja tarinassa mukana. Kysymyksien määrä on ollut loputon! Samoin ääne

Luupäiden keskimmäinen kolmasosa ei minusta kärsi trilogioiden kakkososien tyypillisestä "tämä on vain näiden välissä"-ongelmasta. Suuri tarina kerää kierroksia ja alun kuvaannollisesti kirkkaat taivaat synkentyvät huomattavasti ajan kuluessa. Samoin osa mysteereistä selviää enemmän tai vähemmän, tai sitten ne kieroutuvat entisestään.

Ääneenluettavana tämä on ollut tosi kivaa, kuusivuotias kohdeyleisö on ollut todella innoissaan ja tarinassa mukana. Kysymyksien määrä on ollut loputon! Samoin ääneenlukemisen kärttäminen, mikä on ollut kivaakin, koska Luupäät ovat selvästi kiinnostaneet :)

Niin hieno, niin hyvä! Toinen paksu kirja johon on koottu useampi Luupää-sarjis. Eli tarina jatkuu, se menee koko ajan mutkikkaammaksi ja syvemmäksi. Outoja asioita tapahtuu laaksossa ja kuvioihin ilmestyy Heinäsirkkojen herra joka haluaa jotain pahaa...Onnistuvatko Luupäät auttamaan Venlaa ja isoäitiä? Tarinan päätös tulee tapahtumaan kolmannessa paksussa niteessä johon on kasattu viimeiset albumit, sen kun saisin vielä käsiini niin bueno!
Melhor que o primeiro livro, a história em si melhora, acontecem coisas bem interessantes e a "proporção épica" da história aumenta, mas a espinho tá chata demais, em compensação o traço e as cores e a edição são lindas. Melhor que o primeiro livro, a história em si melhora, acontecem coisas bem interessantes e a "proporção épica" da história aumenta, mas a espinho tá chata demais, em compensação o traço e as cores e a edição são lindas. ...more
Apr 17, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I love the bone serys its my favorite book but I would like it to be a comic book like the first series
Barrette Plett
It has this epic feel, a compelling story, humour, good art, and is pretty child-friendly, too!
Stephanie Stopf
Rodrigo Cardoso
Eduardo Augusto
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

Born and raised in the American mid-west, Jeff Smith learned about cartooning from comic strips, comic books, and watching animation on TV. In 1991, he launched a company called Cartoon Books to publish his comic book BONE, a comedy/adventure about three lost cousins from B

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

Born and raised in the American mid-west, Jeff Smith learned about cartooning from comic strips, comic books, and watching animation on TV. In 1991, he launched a company called Cartoon Books to publish his comic book BONE, a comedy/adventure about three lost cousins from Boneville. Against all odds, the small company flourished, building a reputation for quality stories and artwork. Word of mouth, critical acclaim, and a string of major awards helped propel Cartoon Books and BONE to the forefront of the comic book industry.

In 1992, Jeff's wife Vijaya Iyer joined the company as partner to handle publishing and distribution, licensing, and foreign language publications. In the Spring of 2005, Harry Potter's U.S. publisher Scholastic entered the graphic novel market by launching a new imprint, Graphix with a full color version of BONE: Out from Boneville, bringing the underground comic to a new audience and a new generation.

In 2007, DC Comics released Smith's first non-creator owned work, SHAZAM! Monster Society of Evil, a four-part mini-series recreating a classic serial from comic's Golden Age. Between projects, Smith spends much of his time on the international guest circuit promoting comics and the art of graphic novels.


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